
Showing posts from October, 2010

Read japanese books ('10 Oct)

I'd like to introduce books which I had already read in this month. 裸でも生きる——25歳女性起業家の号泣戦記 (講談社BIZ) [単行本] 山口 絵理子(著) これからの「正義」の話をしよう——いまを生き延びるための哲学 [単行本] マイケル・サンデル (著), Michael J. Sandel (著), 鬼澤 忍 (翻訳) ストーリーとしての競争戦略 —優れた戦略の条件 (Hitotsubashi Business Review Books) [単行本] 楠木 建 (著) 女医が教える 本当に気持ちのいいセックス [単行本(ソフトカバー)] 宋 美玄 (著)

LinuxCon Japan 2010 my summary and review

LinuxCon Japan is the premiere Linux conference in Asia. Attending many core open source developers, kernel hackers, administrators, users and so on. It's an important opportunity for open source contributors. So this is my summary and review. About my session. It's my first time presentation in English. Actually I had prepared three months. First, I'm not a native speaker. don't speak English well. So it needed. Second, My presentation was a plan to port the MeeGo to a device. When I sent a CFP, I didn't have anything. It was challenge. Then result was so good. MeeGo could work on the NexusOne. I was able to communicate this possibility. Of course, this plan has many issues. I was accustomed to presenting it and did not be nervous. But Unusually tense. Almost I could not eat lunch (my presentation was from noon). This tension was a long time. I enjoyed :) Anyway, this experience was important to me. My next goal is now planning to act. My work will not end ...