Tizen SDK is a copy of the Android SDK? / Tizen seems to be based on Samsung Linux Platform(SLP)

This is first time posting in Beijing, China :)

As geeks know, Tizen SDK preview has been released at Jan 9th 2012.
So I checked the Tizen Linux as usual. SDK has an emulator. It will seem to support armel and x86. Currently, you can select only x86 emulator. You can downlowd from https://developer.tizen.org/sdk.html

Then...My conclusion is Tizen SDK is a copy of the Android SDK.
But Tizen is not Android. Tizen seems to be based on SLP. Samsung Linux Platform.
Anyway please look below screenshots, logs.

sdb is adb(Android Debug Bridge).
mitz@ubuntu:~$ ~/tizen_sdk/SDK/sdb/sdb
Smart Development Bridge version 0.0.1

Usage : sdb [option] [parameters]

-d - directs command to the only connected USB device
returns an error if more than one USB device is present.
-e - directs command to the only running emulator.
returns an error if more than one emulator is running.
-s - directs command to the USB device or emulator with
the given serial number.
devices - list all connected devices

sdb push - copy file/dir to device
sdb pull [] - copy file/dir from device
sdb shell - run remote shell interactively
sdb shell - run remote shell command
sdb dlog [ ] - view device log
sdb forward - forward socket connections
forward spec is :
sdb help - show this help message
sdb version - show version num

sdb start-server - ensure that there is a server running
sdb kill-server - kill the server if it is running
sdb get-state - prints: offline | bootloader | device
sdb get-serialno - prints:
sdb status-window - continuously print device status for a specified device

"sdb dlog" likes "adb logcat".
mitz@ubuntu:~$ ~/tizen_sdk/SDK/sdb/sdb dlog
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 26099 *
* daemon started successfully *
arc = 1, optind = 1 ,Kb 0, rotate 4
--------- beginning of /dev/log_main
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.calculator.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.calculator/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.calculator.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.calculator).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.calculator', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.calculator/bin/calculator', 'calculator', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.calculator/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.calculator.png', '(null)', '0.1.0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.calculator/bin/calculator', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.calculator.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.usb-syspopup).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.usb-syspopup', '/usr/bin/usb-syspopup', 'usb-syspopup', 'Application', '(null)', '(null)', '0.1.0-0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/usr/bin/usb-syspopup', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.usb-syspopup.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.efl-calendar.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.efl-calendar/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.efl-calendar.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.efl-calendar).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.efl-calendar', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.efl-calendar/bin/efl-calendar', 'Calendar', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.efl-calendar/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.efl-calendar.png', '(null)', '0.1.0', '(null)', 'create_event,view_event', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.efl-calendar/bin/efl-calendar', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.efl-calendar.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.quickpanel).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.quickpanel', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.quickpanel/bin/quickpanel', 'quickpanel', 'Application', '(null)', 'Application;Utility;', '0.1.0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.quickpanel/bin/quickpanel', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.quickpanel.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk', '/usr/bin/crash-worker', 'crash-worker-sdk', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk.png', '(null)', '0.1.0-0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/usr/bin/crash-worker', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.crash-worker-sdk.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/org.tizen.menu-screen/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.menu-screen.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.menu-screen.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.menu-screen/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.menu-screen.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.menu-screen).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.menu-screen', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.menu-screen/bin/menu-screen', 'Menu screen', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.menu-screen/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.menu-screen.png', 'home-screen', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.menu-screen/bin/menu-screen', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.menu-screen.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup/bin/lowbatt-popup', 'Low battery system popup', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup.png', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup/bin/lowbatt-popup', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.lowbat-syspopup.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.setting.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.setting/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.setting.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.setting).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.setting', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.setting/bin/setting', 'Settings', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.setting/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.setting.png', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.setting/bin/setting', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.setting.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/icon_default/res/icons/default/small/icon_default.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : icon_default.png ---> /opt/apps/icon_default/res/icons/default/small/icon_default.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.download-provider).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.download-provider', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.download-provider/bin/download-provider', 'Download Provider', 'Application', '/opt/apps/icon_default/res/icons/default/small/icon_default.png', '(null)', '0.1.0-0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.download-provider/bin/download-provider', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.download-provider.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup/bin/poweroff-popup', 'Power off system popup', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup.png', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup/bin/poweroff-popup', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.poweroff-syspopup.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/org.tizen.syspopup-app/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.syspopup-app.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.syspopup-app.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.syspopup-app/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.syspopup-app.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.syspopup-app).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.syspopup-app', '/usr/bin/syspopup-app', 'syspopup-app', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.syspopup-app/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.syspopup-app.png', '(null)', '0.1.0-0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/usr/bin/syspopup-app', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.syspopup-app.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.taskmgr.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.taskmgr/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.taskmgr.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.taskmgr).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.taskmgr', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.taskmgr/bin/taskmgr', 'taskmgr', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.taskmgr/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.taskmgr.png', '(null)', '0.1.0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.taskmgr/bin/taskmgr', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.taskmgr.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.video-player.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.video-player/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.video-player.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.video-player).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.video-player', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.video-player/bin/video-player', 'Video player', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.video-player/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.video-player.png', '(null)', '0.1', 'video/mp4;video/3gp;video/x-msvideo;video/x-ms-wmv;video/x-ms-asf;video/3gpp;video/x-matroska;video/vnd.ms-playready.media.pyv;application/vnd.apple.mpegurl;application/x-mpegurl;audio/x-mpegurl;video/x-mpegurl;video/x-flv;video/ogg', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', 'slp.appsvc.operation.VIEW:NULL:video/*;slp.appsvc.operation.VIEW:http:video/*;', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.video-player/bin/video-pl
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.image-viewer.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.image-viewer/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.image-viewer.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.image-viewer).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.image-viewer', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.image-viewer/bin/image-viewer', 'Image Viewer', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.image-viewer/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.image-viewer.png', '(null)', '0.1.0', 'image/jpeg;image/bmp;image/png;image/gif;image/vnd.wap.wbmp', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', 'slp.appsvc.operation.VIEW:NULL:image/*; slp.appsvc.operation.VIEW:http:image/*', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.image-viewer/bin/image-viewer', 720, 1280, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.image-viewer.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.contacts-viewer.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.contacts-viewer/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.contacts-viewer.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.contacts-viewer).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.contacts-viewer', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.contacts-viewer/bin/contacts-viewer', 'contacts-viewer', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.contacts-viewer/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.contacts-viewer.png', '(null)', '0.1.2', 'contacts-viewer.uri;text/directory;text/directory', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.contacts-viewer/bin/contacts-viewer', 720, 1280, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.contacts-viewer.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.memo.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.memo/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.memo.png
E/AIL ( 805): [_read_mimetype,337] (!strlen(value)) -> _read_mimetype() return
E/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,820] field - [MimeType] is wrong.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.memo).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.memo', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.memo/bin/memo', 'memo', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.memo/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.memo.png', '(null)', '0.1.0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.memo/bin/memo', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.memo.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
E/AIL ( 805): [_get_package_from_icon,218] cannot extract from icon [NULL] to package.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/NULL/res/icons/default/small/NULL
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : NULL ---> /opt/apps/NULL/res/icons/default/small/NULL
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.wifi-qs).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.wifi-qs', '/usr/bin/wifi-qs', 'org.tizen.wifi-qs', 'Application', '/opt/apps/NULL/res/icons/default/small/NULL', '(null)', '0.1.0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/usr/bin/wifi-qs', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.wifi-qs.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup/bin/lowmem-popup', 'Low memory system popup', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup.png', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup/bin/lowmem-popup', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.lowmem-syspopup.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/org.tizen.app-selector/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.app-selector.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.app-selector.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.app-selector/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.app-selector.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.app-selector).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.app-selector', '/usr/bin/app-selector', 'app-selector', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.app-selector/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.app-selector.png', '(null)', '0.1.0-0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/usr/bin/app-selector', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.app-selector.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.phone-lock).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.phone-lock', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.phone-lock/bin/phone-lock', 'phone-lock', 'Application', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.phone-lock/bin/phone-lock', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.phone-lock.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.gallery.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.gallery/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.gallery.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.gallery).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.gallery', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.gallery/bin/gallery', 'Gallery', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.gallery/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.gallery.png', '(null)', '0.3.0-1', 'gallery.uri', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', 'slp.appsvc.operation.PICK:NULL:image/*;slp.appsvc.operation.PICK:NULL:video/*;slp.appsvc.operation.PICK:NULL:NULL;slp.appsvc.operation.VIEW:NULL:NULL', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.gallery/bin/gallery', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.gallery.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.smartsearch.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.smartsearch/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.smartsearch.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.smartsearch).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.smartsearch', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.smartsearch/bin/smartsearch', 'Search', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.smartsearch/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.smartsearch.png', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'search_all', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', 'slp.appsvc.operation.SEARCH:NULL:NULL', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.smartsearch/bin/smartsearch', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.smartsearch.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.call).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.call', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.call/bin/voice-call-ui', 'Call', 'Application', '(null)', '(null)', '0.2.0', 'phonenum.uri;tel.uri', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', 'slp.appsvc.operation.CALL:tel:NULL', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.call/bin/voice-call-ui', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.call.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.phone.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.phone/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.phone.png
E/AIL ( 805): [_read_mimetype,337] (!strlen(value)) -> _read_mimetype() return
E/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,820] field - [MimeType] is wrong.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.phone).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.phone', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.phone/bin/phone', 'Phone', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.phone/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.phone.png', '(null)', '0.1.1', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.phone/bin/phone', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.phone.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.volume.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.volume/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.volume.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.volume).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.volume', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.volume/bin/volume', 'volume', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.volume/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.volume.png', '(null)', '0.1.0-0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.volume/bin/volume', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.volume.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.browser.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.browser/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.browser.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.browser).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.browser', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.browser/bin/browser', 'Internet', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.browser/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.browser.png', '(null)', '1.0', 'application/x-shockwave-flash;image/svg+xml;text/html;http.uri;file.uri;application/xml', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.browser/bin/browser', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.browser.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.efl-calendar.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.efl-calendar/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.efl-calendar.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.calendar-viewer).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.calendar-viewer', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.calendar-viewer/bin/calendar-viewer', 'Calendar-viewer', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.efl-calendar/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.efl-calendar.png', '(null)', '0.1.2', 'text/calendar', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.calendar-viewer/bin/calendar-viewer', 720, 1280, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.calendar-viewer.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.music-player.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.music-player/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.music-player.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.music-player).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.music-player', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.music-player/bin/music-player', 'Music', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.music-player/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.music-player.png', '(null)', '0.1.0', 'audio/x-flac;music-player.uri;audio/mpeg;audio/aac;audio/AMR;audio/AMR-WB;audio/ac3;audio/x-ms-wma;audio/ogg;audio/x-vorbis+ogg;audio/x-wav;audio/imelody;text/x-iMelody;audio/rmf;audio/x-rmf;application/x-smaf;application/x-smaf;audio/x-xmf;audio/x-xmf;audio/mid;audio/vnd.ms-playready.media.pya;audio/imy;audio/m4a;audio/melody;audio/midi;audio/mmf;audio/mpeg;audio/mp4;audio/MP4A-LATM;audio/mpeg3;audio/
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.pwlock).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.pwlock', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.pwlock/bin/pwlock', 'pwlock', 'Application', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.pwlock/bin/pwlock', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.pwlock.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.contacts.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.contacts/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.contacts.png
E/AIL ( 805): [_read_mimetype,337] (!strlen(value)) -> _read_mimetype() return
E/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,820] field - [MimeType] is wrong.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.contacts).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.contacts', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.contacts/bin/contacts', 'Contacts', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.contacts/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.contacts.png', '(null)', '0.1.2', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.contacts/bin/contacts', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.contacts.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
E/AIL ( 805): [_get_package_from_icon,218] cannot extract from icon [NULL] to package.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps/NULL/res/icons/default/small/NULL
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : NULL ---> /opt/apps/NULL/res/icons/default/small/NULL
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.alert-3g-syspopup).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.alert-3g-syspopup', '/usr/bin/alert-3g-syspopup', 'Alert 3G system popup', 'Application', '/opt/apps/NULL/res/icons/default/small/NULL', '(null)', '0.1.0', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/usr/bin/alert-3g-syspopup', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.alert-3g-syspopup.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
E/AIL ( 805): [_get_package_from_icon,218] cannot extract from icon [] to package.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,262] cannot find icon /opt/apps//res/icons/default/small/
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : ---> /opt/apps//res/icons/default/small/
E/AIL ( 805): [_read_mimetype,337] (!strlen(value)) -> _read_mimetype() return
E/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,820] field - [MimeType] is wrong.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.ciss).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.ciss', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.ciss/bin/ciss', 'ciss', 'Application', '/opt/apps//res/icons/default/small/', '(null)', '0.4.6', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.ciss/bin/ciss', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.ciss.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.ring).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.ring', '/usr/bin/ring', 'ring', 'Application', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/usr/bin/ring', 720, 1280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.ring.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.pkgmgr-install).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.pkgmgr-install', '/usr/bin/pkgmgr-install', 'pkgmgr-install', 'Application', '(null)', '(null)', '0.1', 'application/x-deb;application/x-java-archive;text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor;application/widget;application/widget', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/usr/bin/pkgmgr-install', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.pkgmgr-install.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
E/AIL ( 805): [sql_get_locale,73] ((l = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET)) == NULL) -> sql_get_locale() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_filter_count_appinfo,249] Failed to get locale string
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,697] cannot count appinfo
E/AIL ( 805): [_count_all,701] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _count_all() return
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - CREATE TABLE app_info (package TEXT PRIMARY KEY, exec TEXT DEFAULT 'No Exec', name TEXT DEFAULT 'No Name', type TEXT DEFAULT 'Application', icon TEXT DEFAULT 'No Icon', categories TEXT, version TEXT, mimetype TEXT, x_slp_service TEXT, x_slp_packagetype TEXT, x_slp_packagecategories TEXT, x_slp_uri TEXT, x_slp_svc TEXT, x_slp_exe_path TEXT, x_slp_baselayoutwidth INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_baselayoutheight INTEGER DEFAULT 0, nodisplay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_taskmanage INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_multiple INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_removable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, x_slp_ishorizontalscale INTEGER DEFAULT 0, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting INTEGER DEFAULT 0, desktop TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL);. because table app_info already exists
E/AIL ( 805): [_create_table,880] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _create_table() return
D/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1197] Cannot create a table. Maybe there is already a table.
D/AIL ( 805): [_get_icon_with_path,270] Icon path : org.tizen.clock.png ---> /opt/apps/org.tizen.clock/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.clock.png
D/AIL ( 805): [_read_desktop_info,832] Read (org.tizen.clock).
E/AIL ( 805): [db_exec,205] Cannot execute this query - insert into app_info (package, exec, name, type, icon, categories, version, mimetype, x_slp_service, x_slp_packagetype, x_slp_packagecategories, x_slp_uri, x_slp_svc, x_slp_exe_path, x_slp_baselayoutwidth, x_slp_baselayoutheight, nodisplay, x_slp_taskmanage, x_slp_multiple, x_slp_removable, x_slp_ishorizontalscale, x_slp_eventnotificationsetting, desktop) values ('org.tizen.clock', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.clock/bin/clock', 'clock', 'Application', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.clock/res/icons/default/small/org.tizen.clock.png', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', 'deb', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '/opt/apps/org.tizen.clock/bin/clock', 720, 1280, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '/opt/share/applications/org.tizen.clock.desktop');. because column desktop is not unique
E/AIL ( 805): [_insert_desktop_info,974] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> _insert_desktop_info() return
E/AIL ( 805): [ail_desktop_add,1208] (ret != AIL_ERROR_OK) -> ail_desktop_add() return
D/APP-CHECKER( 934): [__initialize,266] app checker server initialize
D/AULD ( 933): [__launchpad_pre_init,849] launchpad cmdline = /usr/bin/launchpad_preloading_preinitializing_daemon
D/AULD ( 933): [__preload_init,52] max_cmdline_size = 255

Also the following is many Tizen log.
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[ 0.000000] Linux version (buildsystem@slp-sdk-build) (gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) ) #1 PREEMPT Mon Jan 9 21:32:35 KST 2012
[ 0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus:
[ 0.000000] Intel GenuineIntel
[ 0.000000] AMD AuthenticAMD
[ 0.000000] NSC Geode by NSC
[ 0.000000] Cyrix CyrixInstead
[ 0.000000] Centaur CentaurHauls
[ 0.000000] Transmeta GenuineTMx86
[ 0.000000] Transmeta TransmetaCPU
[ 0.000000] UMC UMC UMC UMC
[ 0.000000] BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009dc00 (usable)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 000000000009dc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000001fffc000 (usable)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 000000001fffc000 - 0000000020000000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 00000000fffc0000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] DMI 2.4 present.
[ 0.000000] last_pfn = 0x1fffc max_arch_pfn = 0x100000
[ 0.000000] e820 update range: 0000000000001000 - 0000000000010000 (usable) ==> (reserved)
[ 0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption
[ 0.000000] modified physical RAM map:
[ 0.000000] modified: 0000000000000000 - 0000000000001000 (usable)
[ 0.000000] modified: 0000000000001000 - 0000000000010000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] modified: 0000000000010000 - 000000000009dc00 (usable)
[ 0.000000] modified: 000000000009dc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] modified: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] modified: 0000000000100000 - 000000001fffc000 (usable)
[ 0.000000] modified: 000000001fffc000 - 0000000020000000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] modified: 00000000fffc0000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] initial memory mapped : 0 - 01c00000
[ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: 0000000000000000-000000001fffc000
[ 0.000000] 0000000000 - 0000400000 page 4k
[ 0.000000] 0000400000 - 001fc00000 page 2M
[ 0.000000] 001fc00000 - 001fffc000 page 4k
[ 0.000000] kernel direct mapping tables up to 1fffc000 @ 10000-15000
[ 0.000000] 0MB HIGHMEM available.
[ 0.000000] 511MB LOWMEM available.
[ 0.000000] mapped low ram: 0 - 1fffc000
[ 0.000000] low ram: 0 - 1fffc000
[ 0.000000] node 0 low ram: 00000000 - 1fffc000
[ 0.000000] node 0 bootmap 00011000 - 00015000
[ 0.000000] (6 early reservations) ==> bootmem [0000000000 - 001fffc000]
[ 0.000000] #0 [0000000000 - 0000001000] BIOS data page ==> [0000000000 - 0000001000]
[ 0.000000] #1 [0001000000 - 00018e289c] TEXT DATA BSS ==> [0001000000 - 00018e289c]
[ 0.000000] #2 [000009dc00 - 0000100000] BIOS reserved ==> [000009dc00 - 0000100000]
[ 0.000000] #3 [00018e3000 - 00018ea049] BRK ==> [00018e3000 - 00018ea049]
[ 0.000000] #4 [0000010000 - 0000011000] PGTABLE ==> [0000010000 - 0000011000]
[ 0.000000] #5 [0000011000 - 0000015000] BOOTMAP ==> [0000011000 - 0000015000]
[ 0.000000] Zone PFN ranges:
[ 0.000000] DMA 0x00000000 -> 0x00001000
[ 0.000000] Normal 0x00001000 -> 0x0001fffc
[ 0.000000] HighMem 0x0001fffc -> 0x0001fffc
[ 0.000000] Movable zone start PFN for each node
[ 0.000000] early_node_map[3] active PFN ranges
[ 0.000000] 0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00000001
[ 0.000000] 0: 0x00000010 -> 0x0000009d
[ 0.000000] 0: 0x00000100 -> 0x0001fffc
[ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 130954
[ 0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c1656554, node_mem_map c18ec000
[ 0.000000] DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
[ 0.000000] DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
[ 0.000000] DMA zone: 3950 pages, LIFO batch:0
[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 992 pages used for memmap
[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 125980 pages, LIFO batch:31
[ 0.000000] Allocating PCI resources starting at 20000000 (gap: 20000000:dffc0000)
[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 129930
[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 video=uvesafb:ywrap,480x800-32@60 proxy= dns1= openglip= sdb_port=26100 dpi=2070 root=/dev/vda rw ip= 5
[ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
[ 0.000000] Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
[ 0.000000] Initializing CPU#0
[ 0.000000] Initializing HighMem for node 0 (00000000:00000000)
[ 0.000000] Memory: 510000k/524272k available (4004k kernel code, 13636k reserved, 2534k data, 1300k init, 0k highmem)
[ 0.000000] virtual kernel memory layout:
[ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xfffe6000 - 0xfffff000 ( 100 kB)
[ 0.000000] pkmap : 0xff800000 - 0xffc00000 (4096 kB)
[ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xe07fc000 - 0xff7fe000 ( 496 MB)
[ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xdfffc000 ( 511 MB)
[ 0.000000] .init : 0xc1663000 - 0xc17a8000 (1300 kB)
[ 0.000000] .data : 0xc13e901e - 0xc1662c14 (2534 kB)
[ 0.000000] .text : 0xc1000000 - 0xc13e901e (4004 kB)
[ 0.000000] Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode...Ok.
[ 0.000000] SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
[ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
[ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:16
[ 0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
[ 0.000000] console [ttyS0] enabled
[ 0.000000] Fast TSC calibration failed
[ 0.000000] TSC: Unable to calibrate against PIT
[ 0.000000] TSC: No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available
[ 0.000000] Marking TSC unstable due to could not calculate TSC khz
[ 0.050000] Calibrating delay loop... 405.50 BogoMIPS (lpj=2027520)
[ 0.240000] Security Framework initialized
[ 0.240000] Smack: Initializing.
[ 0.240000] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
[ 0.250000] Initializing cgroup subsys ns
[ 0.250000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[ 0.250000] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
[ 0.250000] CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
[ 0.250000] CPU: L2 cache: 4096K
[ 0.250000] Performance Events: p6 PMU driver.
[ 0.250000] ... version: 0
[ 0.250000] ... bit width: 32
[ 0.250000] ... generic registers: 2
[ 0.250000] ... value mask: 00000000ffffffff
[ 0.250000] ... max period: 000000007fffffff
[ 0.250000] ... fixed-purpose events: 0
[ 0.250000] ... event mask: 0000000000000003
[ 0.250000] CPU: Intel QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.14.1 stepping 03
[ 0.250000] Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
[ 0.300000] khelper used greatest stack depth: 7464 bytes left
[ 0.310000] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[ 0.320000] PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xffe77, last bus=0
[ 0.320000] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
[ 0.330000] khelper used greatest stack depth: 7216 bytes left
[ 0.350000] khelper used greatest stack depth: 7148 bytes left
[ 0.380000] bio: create slab at 0
[ 0.380000] vgaarb: loaded
[ 0.390000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[ 0.390000] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[ 0.390000] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[ 0.390000] PCI: Probing PCI hardware
[ 0.390000] PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
[ 0.390000] pci 0000:00:01.1: reg 20 io port: [0xc580-0xc58f]
[ 0.390000] pci 0000:00:01.2: reg 20 io port: [0xc540-0xc55f]
[ 0.390000] pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: region b000-b03f claimed by PIIX4 ACPI
[ 0.390000] pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: region b100-b10f claimed by PIIX4 SMB
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 10 32bit mmio pref: [0xfd000000-0xfd7fffff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 30 32bit mmio pref: [0xfebd0000-0xfebdffff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:03.0: reg 10 32bit mmio pref: [0xfd800000-0xfdffffff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:03.0: reg 14 32bit mmio: [0xfebf0000-0xfebf00ff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:04.0: reg 14 32bit mmio: [0xfebf1000-0xfebf10ff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:05.0: reg 10 io port: [0xc560-0xc57f]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:05.0: reg 14 32bit mmio: [0xfebf2000-0xfebf2fff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:05.0: reg 30 32bit mmio pref: [0xfebe0000-0xfebeffff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:06.0: reg 10 32bit mmio pref: [0xfe000000-0xfe3fffff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:06.0: reg 14 32bit mmio: [0xfebf3000-0xfebf30ff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:07.0: reg 10 io port: [0xc000-0xc3ff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:07.0: reg 14 io port: [0xc400-0xc4ff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:08.0: reg 10 32bit mmio pref: [0xfe400000-0xfe7fffff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:08.0: reg 14 32bit mmio: [0xfebf4000-0xfebf40ff]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:09.0: reg 10 io port: [0xc500-0xc53f]
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:09.0: reg 14 32bit mmio: [0xfebf5000-0xfebf5fff]
[ 0.400000] vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:00:02.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
[ 0.400000] pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX/ICH IRQ router [8086:7000]
[ 0.410000] cfg80211: Using static regulatory domain info
[ 0.410000] cfg80211: Regulatory domain: US
[ 0.410000] (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[ 0.410000] (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2700 mBm)
[ 0.410000] (5170000 KHz - 5190000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[ 0.410000] (5190000 KHz - 5210000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[ 0.410000] (5210000 KHz - 5230000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[ 0.410000] (5230000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[ 0.410000] (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 3000 mBm)
[ 0.410000] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: US
[ 0.420000] NetLabel: Initializing
[ 0.420000] NetLabel: domain hash size = 128
[ 0.420000] NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4
[ 0.420000] NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default
[ 0.420000] Switching to clocksource pit
[ 0.446855] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 0 io: [0x00-0xffff]
[ 0.446855] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 1 mem: [0x000000-0xffffffff]
[ 0.446855] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[ 0.457155] IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[ 0.457155] TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[ 0.457155] TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 0.457155] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
[ 0.457155] TCP reno registered
[ 0.457155] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[ 0.466976] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
[ 0.466976] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
[ 0.466976] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
[ 0.466976] pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers
[ 0.466976] pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release
[ 0.466976] pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds
[ 0.466976] pci 0000:00:01.2: uhci_check_and_reset_hc: cmd = 0x00c1
[ 0.466976] pci 0000:00:01.2: Performing full reset
[ 0.466976] pci 0000:00:02.0: Boot video device
[ 0.487090] platform rtc_cmos: registered platform RTC device (no PNP device found)
[ 0.487090] microcode: CPU0 sig=0x633, pf=0x0, revision=0x0
[ 0.487090] Microcode Update Driver: v2.00 , Peter Oruba
[ 0.487090] Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds
[ 0.497299] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[ 0.497299] type=2000 audit(1326798704.497:1): initialized
[ 0.527225] HugeTLB registered 4 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[ 0.548372] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
[ 0.548372] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[ 0.567353] fuse init (API version 7.13)
[ 0.567353] msgmni has been set to 996
[ 0.576852] cryptomgr_test used greatest stack depth: 6480 bytes left
[ 0.587103] alg: No test for stdrng (krng)
[ 0.587103] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252)
[ 0.587103] io scheduler noop registered
[ 0.587103] io scheduler anticipatory registered
[ 0.587103] io scheduler deadline registered
[ 0.587103] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[ 0.587103] pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
[ 0.587103] svb 0000:00:04.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 0.587103] svb: Samsung Virtual Backlight driver.
[ 0.637467] uvesafb: Bochs/Plex86 Developers, Bochs/Plex86 VBE Adapter, $Id: vbe.c,v 1.63 2011/04/14 16:10:09 vruppert Exp $, OEM: Bochs/Plex86 VBE(C) 2003 http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/vgabios/, VBE v2.0
[ 0.667643] uvesafb: protected mode interface info at c000:8a08
[ 0.667643] uvesafb: pmi: set display start = c00c8a53, set palette = c00c8b04
[ 0.667643] uvesafb: pmi: ports = 1ce 1cf 1cf 1d0
[ 0.667643] uvesafb: no monitor limits have been set, default refresh rate will be used
[ 0.667643] uvesafb: scrolling: ywrap using protected mode interface, yres_virtual=4369
[ 0.676859] uvesafb: message too long (57808), can't execute task
[ 0.676859] uvesafb: VBE get state call failed (eax=0x4f04, err=-7)
[ 0.727228] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 60x50
[ 0.756891] uvesafb: framebuffer at 0xfd000000, mapped to 0xe0880000, using 8192k, total 8192k
[ 0.756891] fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device
[ 0.797880] Non-volatile memory driver v1.3
[ 0.797880] Linux agpgart interface v0.103
[ 0.797880] vdpram device major num = 249
[ 0.797880] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
[ 0.797880] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
[ 1.087086] serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
[ 1.106947] brd: module loaded
[ 1.106947] loop: module loaded
[ 1.106947] Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver
[ 1.117217] ide_generic: please use "probe_mask=0x3f" module parameter for probing all legacy ISA IDE ports
[ 1.117217] ide-gd driver 1.18
[ 1.117217] Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - version 7.3.21-k5-NAPI
[ 1.117217] Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation.
[ 1.117217] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 1.0.2-k2
[ 1.117217] e1000e: Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Intel Corporation.
[ 1.117217] e100: Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver, 3.5.24-k2-NAPI
[ 1.117217] e100: Copyright(c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation
[ 1.117217] sky2 driver version 1.25
[ 1.127216] console [netcon0] enabled
[ 1.127216] netconsole: network logging started
[ 1.127216] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[ 1.127216] ehci_hcd: block sizes: qh 60 qtd 96 itd 160 sitd 96
[ 1.127216] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
[ 1.127216] ohci_hcd: block sizes: ed 64 td 64
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver
[ 1.137100] PCI: setting IRQ 11 as level-triggered
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: found PCI INT D -> IRQ 11
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: sharing IRQ 11 with 0000:00:06.0
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: UHCI Host Controller
[ 1.137100] drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file 'devices'
[ 1.137100] drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '001'
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: detected 2 ports
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: uhci_check_and_reset_hc: cmd = 0x0000
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: Performing full reset
[ 1.137100] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: irq 11, io base 0x0000c540
[ 1.137100] usb usb1: default language 0x0409
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: udev 1, busnum 1, minor = 0
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: Product: UHCI Host Controller
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:01.2
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: uevent
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: usb_probe_device
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[ 1.146887] usb usb1: adding 1-0:1.0 (config #1, interface 0)
[ 1.146887] usb 1-0:1.0: uevent
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: standalone hub
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: no power switching (usb 1.0)
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: individual port over-current protection
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: power on to power good time: 2ms
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: local power source is good
[ 1.146887] hub 1-0:1.0: trying to enable port power on non-switchable hub
[ 1.146887] drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '001'
[ 1.146887] usbcore: registered new interface driver usblp
[ 1.146887] usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual
[ 1.157113] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[ 1.157113] serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
[ 1.157113] mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[ 1.169190] usbcore: registered new interface driver wacom
[ 1.169190] wacom: v1.51:USB Wacom Graphire and Wacom Intuos tablet driver
[ 1.169190] rtc_cmos rtc_cmos: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
[ 1.169190] rtc0: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram
[ 1.169190] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[ 1.169190] svcd 0000:00:06.0: found PCI INT C -> IRQ 11
[ 1.169190] svcd 0000:00:06.0: sharing IRQ 11 with 0000:00:01.2
[ 1.169190] svcd 0000:00:06.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.169190] svcd 0000:00:06.0: V4L2 device registerd as /dev/video0
[ 1.177041] Samsung Virtual Camera Driver ver 0.15.1 successfully loaded.
[ 1.177041] svo: samsung virtual overlay driver version 0.1 loaded
[ 1.177041] svo 0000:00:03.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.177041] input: AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0
[ 1.177041] svo: Samsung Virtual Overlay Driver v0.1
[ 1.177041] [sysfs_test_init]
[ 1.187038] usbcore: registered new interface driver hiddev
[ 1.187038] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[ 1.187038] usbhid: v2.6:USB HID core driver
[ 1.197564] [virt_gpi][init][375]virtio gpi init
[ 1.197564] PCI: setting IRQ 10 as level-triggered
[ 1.197564] virtio-pci 0000:00:05.0: found PCI INT A -> IRQ 10
[ 1.197564] pci 0000:00:01.3: IRQ routing conflict: have IRQ 9, want IRQ 10
[ 1.207470] vda: unknown partition table
[ 1.227130] logger: created 128K log 'log_main'
[ 1.227130] logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
[ 1.227130] logger: created 128K log 'log_radio'
[ 1.227130] logger: created 128K log 'log_system'
[ 1.227130] [sysfs_test_init]
[ 1.238986] [127] [sysfs_test_create_file]
[ 1.238986] [sysfs_test_init]
[ 1.238986] [60] [sysfs_test_create_file]
[ 1.238986] [sysfs_test_init]
[ 1.238986] [96] [sysfs_lun0_create_file]
[ 1.238986] [117] [sysfs_lun1_create_file]
[ 1.238986] svcodec device is initialized.
[ 1.238986] svcodec 0000:00:08.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.238986] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.21.
[ 1.246966] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: port 1 portsc 0083,00
[ 1.246966] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1: status 0101 change 0001
[ 1.246966] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: port 2 portsc 0083,00
[ 1.246966] hub 1-0:1.0: port 2: status 0101 change 0001
[ 1.246966] Intel ICH 0000:00:07.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.346995] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 2 chg 0006 evt 0000
[ 1.346995] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0101, change 0000, 12 Mb/s
[ 1.467052] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2
[ 1.566895] intel8x0_measure_ac97_clock: measured 51607 usecs (14486 samples)
[ 1.566895] intel8x0: measured clock 280698 rejected
[ 1.808133] usb 1-1: ep0 maxpacket = 8
[ 1.826638] usb 1-1: skipped 1 descriptor after interface
[ 1.831693] usb 1-1: default language 0x0409
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: udev 2, busnum 1, minor = 1
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=056a, idProduct=0000
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: Product: Wacom PenPartner
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: QEMU 0.14.1
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 1
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: uevent
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: usb_probe_device
[ 1.856817] usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[ 1.861663] usb 1-1: adding 1-1:1.0 (config #1, interface 0)
[ 1.861663] usb 1-1:1.0: uevent
[ 1.861663] wacom 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[ 1.861663] wacom 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[ 1.861663] input: Wacom Penpartner as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/input/input1
[ 1.937139] intel8x0_measure_ac97_clock: measured 59852 usecs (14486 samples)
[ 1.937139] intel8x0: measured clock 242030 rejected
[ 2.036818] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=1/2
[ 2.287573] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=1/2
[ 2.307985] intel8x0_measure_ac97_clock: measured 61116 usecs (14486 samples)
[ 2.307985] intel8x0: measured clock 237024 rejected
[ 2.307985] intel8x0: clocking to 48000
[ 2.307985] ALSA device list:
[ 2.307985] #0: Intel 82801AA-ICH with STAC9700,83,84 at irq 11
[ 2.307985] oprofile: using timer interrupt.
[ 2.307985] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
[ 2.307985] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (7971 buckets, 31884 max)
[ 2.316828] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
[ 2.316828] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[ 2.316828] TCP cubic registered
[ 2.316828] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[ 2.327190] registered taskstats version 1
[ 2.537219] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=1/2
[ 2.787194] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=1/2
[ 3.036979] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=1/2
[ 3.286974] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=1/2
[ 3.286974] drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '002'
[ 3.286974] hub 1-0:1.0: port 2, status 0101, change 0000, 12 Mb/s
[ 3.407059] usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
[ 3.557052] usb 1-2: ep0 maxpacket = 8
[ 3.582556] usb 1-2: default language 0x0409
[ 3.606578] usb 1-2: udev 3, busnum 1, minor = 2
[ 3.606578] usb 1-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0000, idProduct=0000
[ 3.606578] usb 1-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[ 3.607413] usb 1-2: Product: QEMU USB Hub
[ 3.607413] usb 1-2: Manufacturer: QEMU 0.14.1
[ 3.607413] usb 1-2: SerialNumber: 314159
[ 3.607413] usb 1-2: uevent
[ 3.607413] usb 1-2: usb_probe_device
[ 3.607413] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[ 3.611616] usb 1-2: adding 1-2:1.0 (config #1, interface 0)
[ 3.611616] usb 1-2:1.0: uevent
[ 3.611616] hub 1-2:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[ 3.611616] hub 1-2:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[ 3.611616] hub 1-2:1.0: USB hub found
[ 3.616594] hub 1-2:1.0: 8 ports detected
[ 3.617239] hub 1-2:1.0: standalone hub
[ 3.617239] hub 1-2:1.0: no power switching (usb 1.0)
[ 3.617239] hub 1-2:1.0: individual port over-current protection
[ 3.617239] hub 1-2:1.0: power on to power good time: 2ms
[ 3.624847] hub 1-2:1.0: local power source is good
[ 3.624847] hub 1-2:1.0: trying to enable port power on non-switchable hub
[ 3.649669] drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '003'
[ 3.750641] hub 1-2:1.0: port 1: status 0103 change 0011
[ 3.857084] IP-Config: Complete:
[ 3.857084] device=eth0, addr=, mask=, gw=,
[ 3.857084] host=, domain=, nis-domain=(none),
[ 3.857084] bootserver=, rootserver=, rootpath=
[ 3.857084] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1300k freed
[ 3.877162] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: reserve dev 3 ep81-INT, period 128, phase 0, 12 us
[ 3.877162] hub 1-2:1.0: state 7 ports 8 chg 0002 evt 0000
[ 3.877162] Write protecting the kernel text: 4008k
[ 3.877162] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 2028k
[ 3.887130] hub 1-2:1.0: reset change on port 1
[ 3.887130] hub 1-2:1.0: port 1, status 0101, change 0010, 12 Mb/s
[ 3.977151] usb 1-2.1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4
[ 4.010544] kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
[ 4.017483] EXT3 FS on vda, internal journal
[ 4.017483] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with writeback data mode.
[ 4.306915] usb 1-2.1: ep0 maxpacket = 8
[ 4.316942] usb 1-2.1: skipped 1 descriptor after interface
[ 4.327021] usb 1-2.1: default language 0x0409
[ 4.346860] usb 1-2.1: udev 4, busnum 1, minor = 3
[ 4.346860] usb 1-2.1: New USB device found, idVendor=0627, idProduct=0001
[ 4.346860] usb 1-2.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=4, SerialNumber=5
[ 4.346860] usb 1-2.1: Product: QEMU USB Keyboard
[ 4.346860] usb 1-2.1: Manufacturer: QEMU 0.14.1
[ 4.346860] usb 1-2.1: SerialNumber: 42
[ 4.346860] usb 1-2.1: uevent
[ 4.357487] usb 1-2.1: usb_probe_device
[ 4.357487] usb 1-2.1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[ 4.377747] usb 1-2.1: adding 1-2.1:1.0 (config #1, interface 0)
[ 4.377747] usb 1-2.1:1.0: uevent
[ 4.377747] usbhid 1-2.1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[ 4.377747] usbhid 1-2.1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[ 4.407073] input: QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-2/1-2.1/1-2.1:1.0/input/input2
[ 4.407073] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: reserve dev 4 ep81-INT, period 8, phase 4, 17 us
[ 4.417051] generic-usb 0003:0627:0001.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard] on usb-0000:00:01.2-2.1/input0
[ 4.417051] drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '004'
[ 4.417051] hub 1-2:1.0: state 7 ports 8 chg 0000 evt 0002
[ 6.526935] udev[766]: starting version 166
[ 6.548764] udevd used greatest stack depth: 5976 bytes left
[ 11.867280] gst-inspect-0.1 used greatest stack depth: 5292 bytes left
[ 31.110437] usb 1-1:1.0: uevent
[ 31.121287] usb 1-1: uevent
[ 31.177706] usb 1-1:1.0: uevent
[ 31.177706] usb 1-1: uevent
[ 31.267785] usb 1-1:1.0: uevent
[ 31.367957] usb 1-2.1:1.0: uevent
[ 31.367957] usb 1-2.1: uevent
[ 31.399408] usb 1-1:1.0: uevent
[ 31.548625] usb 1-2.1:1.0: uevent
[ 33.417415] [show_earjack_online]
[ 38.637705] usb usb1: uevent
[ 38.637705] usb 1-0:1.0: uevent
[ 38.657528] usb 1-1: uevent
[ 38.657528] usb 1-1:1.0: uevent
[ 38.727848] uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: reserve dev 2 ep81-INT, period 8, phase 4, 17 us
[ 38.787471] bl_brightness_show: brightness = 24
[ 38.817570] usb 1-2: uevent
[ 38.837386] usb 1-2.1: uevent
[ 38.837386] usb 1-2.1:1.0: uevent
[ 38.857742] backlight: set brightness to 24
[ 40.887622] usb 1-2:1.0: uevent
[ 42.617786] [show_earjack_online]
[ 44.939854] [show_earjack_online]

ps w
1 root 1744 S init [1]
2 root 0 SW [kthreadd]
3 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/0]
4 root 0 SW [events/0]
5 root 0 SW [cpuset]
6 root 0 SW [khelper]
9 root 0 SW [netns]
10 root 0 SW [async/mgr]
201 root 0 SW [sync_supers]
203 root 0 SW [bdi-default]
205 root 0 SW [kblockd/0]
216 root 0 SW [khubd]
219 root 0 SW [kseriod]
258 root 0 SW [rpciod/0]
280 root 0 SW [kswapd0]
333 root 0 SW [aio/0]
348 root 0 SW [nfsiod]
356 root 0 SW [crypto/0]
377 root 556 S /sbin/v86d
378 root 0 SW [cqueue]
561 root 0 SW [kondemand/0]
590 root 0 SW [usbhid_resumer]
643 root 0 SW [kjournald]
751 root 0 SW [flush-254:0]
766 root 2224 S < /sbin/udevd --daemon 823 root 3712 S /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd_config 832 root 2880 S /sbin/syslogd -b 5 834 root 2880 S /sbin/klogd 838 root 1776 S /usr/bin/dlogutil -r 128 -n 2 -f /var/log/dlog -v time *:W 843 root 35756 S /usr/sbin/sdbd 855 root 3300 S /usr/bin/libsqlfs_mount -s -o nonempty -o default_permissions -o allow_other /opt/var/kdb/db 866 root 4460 S /usr/bin/vmodem_x86 867 root 10420 S /usr/bin/emuld 879 root 1884 S /usr/bin/security-server 881 root 26200 S < /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -ac -noreset -r +accessx 0 -config /opt/etc/X11/xorg.conf -configdir /opt/etc/X11/xorg.c 895 root 2236 S < /sbin/udevd --daemon 897 root 5872 S /usr/bin/audio-session-mgr-server 900 root 2236 S < /sbin/udevd --daemon 922 root 2732 S dbus-daemon --system 927 root 1764 S dlogutil -b radio -v time -f /var/log/seq.radio.log -r 1000 -n 10 928 root 6168 S /usr/bin/telephony-server 933 root 27184 S /usr/bin/launchpad_preloading_preinitializing_daemon 934 root 3076 S /usr/bin/ac_daemon 948 root 4664 S /usr/bin/power_manager -d -x 957 pulse 89316 S < /usr/bin/pulseaudio --log-level=4 --system -D 962 root 6276 S /usr/sbin/sensord 964 root 13016 S /usr/bin/sf_server -s /usr/etc/sf_sensor.conf -f /usr/etc/sf_filter.conf -p /usr/etc/sf_processor.conf -d 968 root 181m S /usr/bin/sound_server -S 970 root 3660 S /usr/bin/ss-server 1001 root 4792 S /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-launcher -d -c simple -e ise-engine-default,ise-default -f socket 1003 root 7500 S /usr/bin/system_server 1011 root 25716 S /usr/bin/enlightenment -profile samsung -i-really-know-what-i-am-doing-and-accept-full-responsibility-for 1025 root 2472 S /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session 1062 root 19204 S /usr/bin/isf-panel-efl 1064 root 18856 S /usr/bin/starter 1066 inhouse 23956 S N /opt/apps/org.tizen.indicator/bin/indicator 1068 root 19228 S /usr/bin/menu-daemon 1080 root 19696 S /usr/bin/media-thumbnail-server 1082 root 36340 S /usr/bin/media-server 1084 root 23076 S /usr/bin/contacts-svc-helper 1086 inhouse 49240 S N /opt/apps/org.tizen.quickpanel/bin/quickpanel 1089 root 1756 S dlogutil -v threadtime -f /var/log/libnetwork.log -r 1000 -n 10 network 1090 root 1792 S dlogutil -v threadtime -f /var/log/sonet.log -r 1000 -n 10 SONET 1091 root 13688 S /usr/bin/sonet 1095 root 63276 S /usr/bin/email-service 1097 root 4024 S /usr/sbin/connmand -W wext 1098 root 26244 S /usr/bin/msg-server 1100 inhouse 34988 S /opt/apps/org.tizen.menu-screen/bin/menu-screen 1101 root 5356 S /usr/bin/alarm-server 1103 root 4888 S /usr/bin/bluetooth-agent 1126 root 7352 S /usr/bin/sppcd 1128 root 31916 S /usr/bin/cbhm 1131 nobody 3708 S < /usr/sbin/gpsd udp:// 1229 root 2912 S /usr/sbin/inetd 1603 root 35204 S /usr/bin/crash-worker /opt/share/hidden_storage/SLP_debug/dmesg_1599_20120118164201/dmesg_1599_2012011816 1642 root 2880 S /bin/sh -c ps w 1643 root 2940 R ps w cmdline console=ttyS0 video=uvesafb:ywrap,480x800-32@60 proxy= dns1= openglip= sdb_port=26100 dpi=2070 root=/dev/vda rw ip= 5 /var/log/Xorg.0.log [ 31.421] _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6 [ 31.559] _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/ [ 31.563] _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6 [ 31.710] X.Org X Server 1.9.3 Release Date: 2010-12-13 [ 31.718] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0 [ 31.725] Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.32-21-generic-pae i486 SLP(Samsung Linux Platform) [ 31.726] Current Operating System: Linux #1 PREEMPT Mon Jan 9 21:32:35 KST 2012 i686 [ 31.767] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 video=uvesafb:ywrap,480x800-32@60 proxy= dns1= openglip= sdb_port=26100 dpi=2070 root=/dev/vda rw ip= 5 [ 31.817] Build Date: 07 January 2012 11:25:04PM [ 31.856] xorg-server 2:1.9.3-20slp2.d20120107231 (For technical support please see http://) [ 31.869] Current version of pixman: 0.23.7 [ 31.870] Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org to make sure that you have the latest version. [ 31.871] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting, (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational, (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown. [ 31.893] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Tue Jan 17 20:12:15 2012 [ 31.949] (++) Using config file: "/opt/etc/X11/xorg.conf" [ 31.958] (EE) Unable to locate/open config directory: "/opt/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d" [ 31.986] (==) ServerLayout "Test Layout" [ 32.001] (**) |-->Screen "Screen0" (0)
[ 32.002] (**) | |-->Monitor "Monitor0"
[ 32.007] (**) | |-->Device "emulfb"
[ 32.025] (**) Option "BlankTime" "0"
[ 32.027] (**) Option "StandbyTime" "0"
[ 32.027] (**) Option "SuspendTime" "0"
[ 32.027] (**) Option "OffTime" "0"
[ 32.028] (==) Automatically adding devices
[ 32.029] (==) Automatically enabling devices
[ 32.080] (==) FontPath set to:
[ 32.080] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
[ 32.081] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
[ 32.081] (II) Loader magic: 0x822a4e0
[ 32.081] (II) Module ABI versions:
[ 32.081] X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
[ 32.081] X.Org Video Driver: 8.0
[ 32.082] X.Org XInput driver : 11.0
[ 32.082] X.Org Server Extension : 5.0
[ 32.115] (--) PCI:*(0:0:2:0) 1234:1111:1af4:1100 rev 0, Mem @ 0xfd000000/8388608, BIOS @ 0x????????/65536
[ 32.132] (--) PCI: (0:0:3:0) 144d:1010:1af4:1100 rev 0, Mem @ 0xfd800000/8388608, 0xfebf0000/256
[ 32.136] (--) PCI: (0:0:4:0) 144d:1014:1af4:1100 rev 0, Mem @ 0xfebf1000/256
[ 32.167] (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
[ 32.171] (II) LoadModule: "extmod"
[ 32.276] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libextmod.so
[ 32.300] (II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 32.323] compiled for 1.9.3, module version = 1.0.0
[ 32.329] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
[ 32.329] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 5.0
[ 32.330] (II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
[ 32.330] (II) Loading extension DPMS
[ 32.331] (II) Loading extension XVideo
[ 32.331] (II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
[ 32.331] (II) Loading extension X-Resource
[ 32.331] (II) LoadModule: "record"
[ 32.357] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/librecord.so
[ 32.378] (II) Module record: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 32.379] compiled for 1.9.3, module version = 1.13.0
[ 32.401] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
[ 32.402] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 5.0
[ 32.402] (II) Loading extension RECORD
[ 32.402] (II) LoadModule: "dri2"
[ 32.404] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri2.so
[ 32.410] (II) Module dri2: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 32.411] compiled for 1.9.3, module version = 1.2.0
[ 32.411] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 5.0
[ 32.412] (II) Loading extension DRI2
[ 32.412] (II) LoadModule: "emulfb"
[ 32.415] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/emulfb_drv.so
[ 32.428] (II) Module emulfb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 32.428] compiled for 1.9.3, module version = 0.1.0
[ 32.428] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 8.0
[ 32.430] (II) SEC: driver for framebuffer:
[ 32.444] (--) using VT number 2

[ 32.677] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for emulfb
[ 32.867] (II) Loading sub module "fbdevhw"
[ 32.882] (II) LoadModule: "fbdevhw"
[ 32.988] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libfbdevhw.so
[ 33.100] (II) Module fbdevhw: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 33.101] compiled for 1.9.3, module version = 0.0.2
[ 33.102] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 8.0
[ 33.128] (II) SEC(0): using /dev/fb0
[ 33.143] (II) SEC(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
"Screen0" for depth/fbbpp 24/32
[ 33.145] (==) SEC(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
[ 33.145] (==) SEC(0): RGB weight 888
[ 33.146] (==) SEC(0): Default visual is TrueColor
[ 33.167] (==) SEC(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[ 33.188] (II) SEC(0): hardware: VESA VGA (video memory: 8192kB)
[ 33.189] (**) SEC(0): Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"
[ 33.190] (II) SEC(0): checking modes against framebuffer device and creating crtc and ouput...
[ 33.194] (II) SEC(0): Output LCD using monitor section Monitor0
[ 33.291] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x350" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.292] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "320x175" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.292] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x400" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.292] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "320x200" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.292] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "720x400" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.293] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "360x200" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.293] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.293] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.293] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.293] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.293] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.294] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.295] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.295] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.295] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.295] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1024x768i" (interlace mode not supported)
[ 33.295] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "512x384i" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.295] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.295] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.295] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.319] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.319] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1152x864" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "576x432" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1280x960" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1280x960" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.320] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.321] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.322] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.322] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.322] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.322] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.322] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.322] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.322] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.322] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "896x672" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.324] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.324] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "896x672" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.324] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.324] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "928x696" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.326] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.343] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "928x696" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.343] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.343] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.343] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.343] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.343] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "832x624" (width too large for virtual size)
[ 33.344] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "416x312" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.344] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.344] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.344] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.344] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.344] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.344] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.345] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "2048x1536" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.345] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.345] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "2048x1536" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.345] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.345] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "2048x1536" (height too large for virtual size)
[ 33.345] (II) SEC(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (doublescan mode not supported)
[ 33.345] (II) SEC(0): Printing probed modes for output LCD
[ 33.346] (II) SEC(0): Modeline "480x800"x60.0 31.36 480 505 555 631 800 801 804 828 -hsync +vsync -csync (49.7 kHz)
[ 33.347] (II) SEC(0): Output LCD connected
[ 33.348] (II) SEC(0): Using exact sizes for initial modes
[ 33.348] (II) SEC(0): Output LCD using initial mode 480x800
[ 33.350] (II) SEC(0): Using default gamma of (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) unless otherwise stated.
[ 33.352] (--) SEC(0): Virtual size is 480x4369 (pitch 480)
[ 33.353] (**) SEC(0): Driver mode "480x800": 31.4 MHz, 49.7 kHz, 60.0 Hz
[ 33.353] (II) SEC(0): Modeline "480x800"x60.0 31.36 480 505 555 631 800 801 804 828 -hsync +vsync -csync (49.7 kHz)
[ 33.355] (**) SEC(0): Display dimensions: (58, 98) mm
[ 33.355] (**) SEC(0): DPI set to (210, 1132)
[ 33.356] (II) Loading sub module "fb"
[ 33.357] (II) LoadModule: "fb"
[ 33.401] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libfb.so
[ 33.584] (II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 33.584] compiled for 1.9.3, module version = 1.0.0
[ 33.585] ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
[ 33.586] (--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
[ 33.586] (II) SEC(0): Infomation of Visual is
bitsPerPixel=32, depth=24, defaultVisual=TrueColor
mask: ff0000,ff00,ff, offset: 16,8,0
[ 33.804] (==) SEC(0): Backing store disabled
[ 33.818] (II) SEC(0): Initializing HW Cursor
[ 33.819] (II) SEC(0): RandR 1.2 enabled, ignore the following RandR disabled message.
[ 33.860] (**) SEC(0): DPMS enabled
[ 33.861] (--) RandR disabled
[ 33.862] (II) Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension
[ 33.862] (II) Initializing built-in extension SHAPE
[ 33.862] (II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
[ 33.862] (II) Initializing built-in extension X Gesture Extension
[ 33.862] (II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension SYNC
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR
[ 33.863] (II) Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
[ 33.864] (II) Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
[ 34.204] (II) SEC(0): Setting screen physical size to 58 x 98
[ 38.665] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Wacom Penpartner (/dev/input/event1)
[ 38.709] (**) Wacom Penpartner: Applying InputClass "evdev touchscreen catchall"
[ 38.710] (II) LoadModule: "evdevmultitouch"
[ 38.713] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/evdevmultitouch_drv.so
[ 38.731] (II) Module evdevmultitouch: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 38.731] compiled for 1.9.3, module version = 2.3.1
[ 38.731] Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
[ 38.732] ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 11.0
[ 38.733] (**) Wacom Penpartner: always reports core events
[ 38.734] (II) Wacom Penpartner: EvdevMultitouch Type (null) found
[ 38.734] (**) Wacom Penpartner: Device: "/dev/input/event1"
[ 38.749] (**) Option "MultiTouch" "2"
[ 38.750] (II) Wacom Penpartner: SubdevTimeout set to 100
[ 38.750] [X11] MT Protocol A Type : ABS_MT_SLOT is NOT supported
[ 38.753] (II) Wacom Penpartner: Found absolute axes
[ 38.754] (II) Wacom Penpartner: Found x and y absolute axes
[ 38.754] (II) Wacom Penpartner: Found absolute multitouch tablet.
[ 38.754] (II) Wacom Penpartner: Configuring as multitouch screen
[ 38.755] (**) Wacom Penpartner: YAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
[ 38.755] (**) Wacom Penpartner: EmulateWheelButton: 4, EmulateWheelInertia: 10, EmulateWheelTimeout: 200
[ 38.756] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Wacom Penpartner" (type: MULTITOUCHSCREEN)
[ 38.778] (II) Wacom Penpartner: initialized for absolute axes.
[ 38.785] [X11] Input Device Added ... (name=Wacom Penpartner, path=/dev/input/event1, type=TOUCHSCREEN)
[ 38.819] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Wacom Penpartner (/dev/input/mouse0)
[ 38.820] (II) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)
[ 38.869] (II) config/udev: Adding input device QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard (/dev/input/event2)
[ 38.870] (**) QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard: Applying InputClass "evdev keyboard catchall"
[ 38.870] (II) LoadModule: "evdev"
[ 38.871] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/evdev_drv.so
[ 38.879] (II) Module evdev: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 38.879] compiled for 1.9.3, module version = 2.3.2
[ 38.879] Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
[ 38.879] ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 11.0
[ 38.880] (**) QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard: always reports core events
[ 38.880] (**) QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard: Device: "/dev/input/event2"
[ 38.881] (II) QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard: Found keys
[ 38.881] (II) QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard: Configuring as keyboard
[ 38.882] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard" (type: KEYBOARD)
[ 38.882] (**) Option "xkb_rules" "evdev"
[ 38.882] (**) Option "xkb_model" "evdev"
[ 38.882] (**) Option "xkb_layout" "us"
[ 40.875] [X11] Input Device Added ... (name=QEMU 0.14.1 QEMU USB Keyboard, path=/dev/input/event2, type=KEYBOARD)
[ 40.925] (II) config/udev: Adding input device AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys (/dev/input/event0)
[ 40.949] (**) AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys: Applying InputClass "evdev keyboard catchall"
[ 40.950] (**) AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys: always reports core events
[ 40.950] (**) AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys: Device: "/dev/input/event0"
[ 40.951] (II) AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys: Found keys
[ 40.951] (II) AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys: Configuring as keyboard
[ 40.951] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys" (type: KEYBOARD)
[ 40.951] (**) Option "xkb_rules" "evdev"
[ 40.951] (**) Option "xkb_model" "evdev"
[ 40.952] (**) Option "xkb_layout" "us"
[ 40.956] [X11] Input Device Added ... (name=AT Translated Set 2 HardKeys, path=/dev/input/event0, type=KEYBOARD)
[ 41.596] (**) Option "SendCoreEvents" "off"
[ 41.596] (**) Wacom Penpartner subdev 1: doesn't report core events
[ 41.596] (II) Wacom Penpartner subdev 1: EvdevMultitouch Type Object found
[ 41.596] (II) Wacom Penpartner subdev 1: EvdevMultitouch subdevice found
[ 41.597] (**) Wacom Penpartner subdev 1: YAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
[ 41.597] (**) Wacom Penpartner subdev 1: EmulateWheelButton: 4, EmulateWheelInertia: 10, EmulateWheelTimeout: 200
[ 41.627] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Wacom Penpartner subdev 1" (type: MULTITOUCHSCREEN)
[ 41.662] (II) Wacom Penpartner subdev 1: initialized for absolute axes.

dpkg -l
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Description
ii alarm-server 0.4.39-1.d2012 Alarm Server
ii alsa-scenario- 1.0.18.d201201 Virtual package for alsa-scenario-scn-data-0
ii alsa-scenario- 0.0.26.d201201 Alsa Scenario Script Data for MC1N2 codec
ii alsa-utils 1.0.21-1slp2.d ALSA utility package for multimedia framewor
ii appsvc-tool 0.1.18-2.d2012 libappsvc-0 executable package (appsvc_test)
ii apt Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii base-files 5.0.0slp2+s4.a Debian base system miscellaneous files
ii base-passwd 3.5.22+s2.a130 Debian base system master password and group
ii bash 4.1-3slp2+s5 The GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii bluetooth-frwk 0.1.41-1.d2012 Bluetooth Agent for pairing and authorizatio
ii bluez 4.90-slp2+18-2 Bluetooth tools and daemons
ii boot-animation 0.2-29.d201201 booting animation
ii busybox 3:1.17.1-10slp Tiny utilities for small and embedded system
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'adduser'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'adjtimex'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'bridge-utils'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'bsdmainutils'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox specific symlinks
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'console-tools'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'cpio'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'cron'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'daemontools'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'dc'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'dnsutils'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'dosfstools'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'ed'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'eject'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'fbset'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'fdflush'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'hdparm'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'ipcalc'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'iproute'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'ipsvd'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'iputils-arping'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'iputils-ping'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'klogd'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'loadlin'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'lrzsz'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'lzma'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'lzop'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'mtd-utils'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'net-tools'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'openbsd-inetd'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'patch'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'ppp'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'procps'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'psmisc'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'rdate'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'realpath'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'rpm'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'runit'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'sharutils'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'ssmtp'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'sysklogd'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'telnetd'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'tftp'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'time'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'tofrodos'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'udhcpc'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'udhcpd'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'unzip'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'vlan'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'vlock'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'watchdog'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'wget'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'xterm'
ii busybox-symlin 3:1.17.1-10slp BusyBox symlinks to provide 'zcip'
ii bzip2 1.0.5-4slp2+s2 high-quality block-sorting file compressor -
ii ca-certificate 0.0.1-6.d20120 install basic certificates which be used app
ii capi-appfw-app 0.1.0-4.d20120 The Application Manager API provides functio
ii capi-appfw-app 0.1.0-13.d2012 An Application library in Tizen C API
ii capi-content-m 0.1.0-10.d2012 A Media content library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-location- 0.1.0-5.d20120 A Geocoder library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-location- 0.1.0-6.d20120 A Location Manager library in Tizen Native A
ii capi-media-aud 0.1.0-4.d20120 An Audio Input & Audio Output library in Tiz
ii capi-media-cam 0.1.0-7.d20120 A Camera library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-media-ima 0.1.0-6.d20120 A Image Utility library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-media-pla 0.1.0-5.d20120 A Media Player library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-media-rad 0.1.0-4.d20120 A Radio library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-media-rec 0.1.0-4.d20120 A Camera library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-media-sou 0.1.0-6.d20120 A Sound Manager library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-media-ton 0.1.0-5.d20120 A tone player library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-media-wav 0.1.0-7.d20120 A wav player library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-messaging 0.1.0-7.d20120 Email library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-messaging 0.1.0-6.d20120 MMS library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-messaging 0.1.0-5.d20120 A SMS library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-network-b 0.1.0-9.d20120 A Network Bluetooth library in Tizen Native
ii capi-network-c 0.1.0-13.d2012 Network Connection library in TIZEN C API
ii capi-network-n 0.0.1-5.d20120 A NFC library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-social-ca 0.1.1-27.d2012 Calendar library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-social-ca 0.1.1-22.d2012 Call log library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-social-co 0.1.1-23.d2012 Contacts library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-system-de 0.1.0-5.d20120 A Device library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-system-ha 0.1.0-9.d20120 A Haptic library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-system-in 0.1.0-7 A System Information library in Tizen Native
ii capi-system-po 0.1.0-6.d20120 A power library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-system-ru 0.0.1-2.d20120 A Runtime Information library in Tizen Nativ
ii capi-system-se 0.1.0-6.d20120 A Sensor library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-telephony 0.1.0-6.d20120 A Telephony Call library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-telephony 0.1.0-7.d20120 A Telephony Network Information library in T
ii capi-telephony 0.1.0-8.d20120 A Telephony SIM library in Tizen Natvie API
ii capi-ui-efl-ut 0.1.0-4.d20120 An EFL utility library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-uix-feedb 0.1.0-4.d20120 A Feedback library in Tizen Native API
ii capi-uix-tts 0.0.1-6.d20120 A Text To Speech Library in Tizen C API
ii cbhm 0.1.0-104.d201 cbhm application
ii connman 0.77.2-0slp2+5 Intel Connection Manager daemon
ii contacts-servi 0.5.2-28.d2012 contacts service binary : contacts-svc-helpe
ii dbus 1.4.8-slp1.d20 simple interprocess messaging system
ii debconf 1.5.32slp2+s2. Debian configuration management system
ii debconf-englis 1.5.32slp2+s2. small footprint English-only debconf
ii debianutils 2.17slp2+s6.a1 Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
ii default-files- 0.0.6 default files for emulator
ii default-fonts- 0.0.2-3.d20120 Font configuration package for fontconfig
ii default-fonts- 0.0.1-5.d20120 free fonts for SLP SDK
ii dialog 1.1-20100428-1 Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii dlogutil-bin 0.4.1-0.d20120 print log data to the screen
ii dpkg Debian package management system
ii drm-service-0 0.9.34-0.d2012 DRM service interface library (Shared Object
ii e17 1: The Enlightenment DR17 Window Manager
ii e17-data 1: Enlightenment Window Manager Run Time Data F
ii e17-extra-modu 0.1-126.d20120 The E17 Extra Modules
ii e17-misc 0.2-10.d201201 E17 configuration files.
ii efl-theme-tize 0.2.1-10.d2012 tizen theme
ii efl-theme-tize 0.2.1-10.d2012 tizen black theme
ii efl-theme-tize 0.2.1-10.d2012 tizen black HD theme
ii efl-theme-tize 0.2.1-10.d2012 tizen HD theme
ii elm-misc 0.1-24.d201201 elementary configuration files.
ii email-service- 0.3.5-3.d20120 E-mail Framework Middleware Development pack
ii execstack 0.0.20100106-0 ELF GNU_STACK program header editing utility
ii expat 2.0.1-7.d20120 XML parsing C library - example application
ii fakeroot 1.14.4-1slp2+s Gives a fake root environment
ii fontconfig 2.6.0-11slp3+1 generic font configuration library - support
ii fontconfig-con 2.6.0-11slp3+1 generic font configuration library - configu
ii gcc-4.5-base 4.5.3-1ubuntu2 The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii gconf-dbus-uti 2.16.0-slp1.d2 GNOME configuration database system (support
ii geoclue 0.12.0-20slp2. Geographic information framework
ii geoclue-gpsd 0.12.0-20slp2. Position server for GeoClue (GPS)
ii geoclue-nomina 0.12.0-20slp2. Geocode server for GeoClue (OpenStreetMap)
ii glib-networkin 2.28.7-2tizen. network-related giomodules for GLib
ii gpsd 2.95-4slp3.d20 GPS (Global Positioning System) daemon
ii gstreamer-tool 0.10.34-10slp2 Tools for use with GStreamer
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.34-39slp2 GStreamer plugin for ALSA
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.11-3slp2+ FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.22-0.d201 GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.34-39slp2 GStreamer plugins from the "base" set
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.34-39slp2 GStreamer helper programs from the "base" se
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.1.5-1.d20120 GStreamer extra plugins (common)
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.29-18slp2 GStreamer plugins from the "good" set
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.18-8slp2+ GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.34-10slp2 Tools for use with GStreamer
ii gstreamer0.10- 0.10.34-39slp2 GStreamer plugins for X11
ii ifupdown 0.6.7osso+s4.d high level tools to configure network interf
ii iniparser 2.17-1slp2-9.d ini file parser library
ii initscripts 2.87dsf-8slp2+ scripts for initializing and shutting down t
ii insserv 1.12.0-14+s2.d Tool to organize boot sequence using LSB ini
ii iptables administration tools for packet filtering an
ii ise-default 0.2.2-30.d2012 Tizen keyboard
ii ise-engine-def 0.1.4828-1.d20 A default keyboard engine of Tizen for suppo
ii lib64readline5 5.2-5slp2+s1.d GNU readline and history libraries, run-time
ii libaccounts-sv 0.0.66-1.d2012 Account DB library
ii libacl1 2.2.49-3.d2012 Access control list shared library
ii libail-0 0.2.21-2.d2012 Application Information Library
ii libalarm-0 0.4.39-1.d2012 libalarm package
ii libapp-checker 0.0.5-1.d20120 libapp-checker-0 package
ii libapp-checker 0.0.5-1.d20120 libapp-checker server package
ii libappcore-com 1.2-12.d201201 Samsung Linux platform common application ba
ii libappcore-efl 1.2-12.d201201 Samsung Linux platform efl application basic
ii libappsvc-0 0.1.18-2.d2012 libappsvc-0 package
ii libascenario-0 0.2.1-1.d20120 ALSA Scenario package
ii libasound2 1.0.21a-11slp3 ALSA Library package for multimedia framewor
ii libattr1 1:2.4.44-2.d20 Extended attribute shared library
ii libaudiosessio 0.1.19-0.d2012 auido-session-manager package contains clien
ii libaul-1 0.0.154-3.d201 libaul-1 package
ii libaul-1-execu 0.0.154-3.d201 libaul-1 executable package (aul_daemon(laun
ii libavcodec 0.8.5.d2012010 libavcodec library
ii libavformat 0.8.5.d2012010 libavformat library
ii libavsystem-0 0.4.9-0.d20120 avsystem multimedia library package
ii libavutil 0.8.5.d2012010 libavutil library
ii libblkid1 2.16.2-0slp2+s block device id library
ii libbluetooth-f 0.1.41-1.d2012 Bluetooth framework for BlueZ
ii libbluetooth3 4.90-slp2+18-2 Library to use the BlueZ Linux Bluetooth sta
ii libbundle-0 0.1.21.d201201 Simple string key-val dictionary ADT
ii libbz2-1.0 1.0.5-4slp2+s2 high-quality block-sorting file compressor l
ii libc-ares2 1.7.4-1tizen.d library for asyncronous name resolves
ii libc-bin 2.13-4slp2+s3. Embedded GNU C Library: Binaries
ii libc6 2.13-4slp2+s3. Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii libcairo2 1.11.3-slp2+8. The Cairo 2D vector graphics library
ii libcamsrcjpege 0.1.1-0.d20120 camerasrc JPEG encoder library
ii libcamsrcjpege 0.1.3-0.d20120 Multimedia Framework Camera Src Jpeg Encoder
ii libcap2 1:2.21-1slp2+s support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabil
ii libcert-svc-0 1.0.1-16.d2012 Certification service library and executable
ii libcontacts-se 0.5.2-28.d2012 contacts service Library (Library)
ii libcurl 7.21.3-6slp2.d Transitional meta-package for libcurl
ii libcurl3 7.21.3-6slp2.d Multi-protocol file transfer library (OpenSS
ii libdbus-1-0 1.4.8-slp1.d20 simple interprocess messaging system
ii libdbus-glib-1 0.88-slp1.d201 simple interprocess messaging system (GLib-b
ii libdevman-0 0.1.6-77.d2012 device manager library for device control
ii libdlog-0 0.4.1-0.d20120 logging library (shared object)
ii libdownload-ag 0.98.1-0.d2012 For content downloading
ii libdri2 0.1.0-11slp2+6 DRI2 Extension client library
ii libdrm-slp1 2.4.27-8slp2.d Userspace interface to slp-specific kernel D
ii libdrm2 2.4.27-8slp2.d Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -
ii libeas-common 0.3.32.d201201 libeas common
ii libecore 1.1.0+svn.6561 Core abstraction layer for enlightenment DR
ii libecore-bin 1.1.0+svn.6561 Tools that support Ecore
ii libecore-con 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore Connection Library
ii libecore-confi 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore Enlightened Property Library
ii libecore-data 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore data functions
ii libecore-evas 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore Evas Wrapper Library
ii libecore-fb 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore frame buffer system functions
ii libecore-file 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore File Library
ii libecore-imf 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore Input Method Framework module
ii libecore-input 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore input functions
ii libecore-ipc 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore inter-process communication functions
ii libecore-x 1.1.0+svn.6561 Ecore functions for dealing with the X Windo
ii libedbus D-Bus and HAL wrapper libraries for use with
ii libedje 1.1.0+svn.6530 Graphical layout and animation library
ii libedje-bin 1.1.0+svn.6530 Various binaries for use with libedje
ii libeet-bin 1.5.0+svn.6557 Enlightenment DR17 file chunk reading/writin
ii libeet1 1.5.0+svn.6557 Enlightenment DR17 file chunk reading/writin
ii libefreet 1.1.0+svn.6530 Library that implements freedesktop.org spec
ii libeina 1.1.0+svn.6543 Enlightenment Foundation Library providing o
ii libelfg0 0.8.13-1.d2012 an ELF object file access library
ii libelm 1.0.0+svn.6125 Elementary - a basic widget set that is easy
ii libelm-bin 1.0.0+svn.6125 Elementary - a basic widget set that is easy
ii libelm-webview 1.0.164-5.d201 Elementary webview widget
ii libembryo-bin 1.1.0+svn.6530 SMALL compiler creating Embryo bytecode
ii libembryo0 1.1.0+svn.6530 SMALL-based abstract machine (AMX) bytecode
ii libemotion0 0.1.0+svn.6513 Video playback library used in Enlightenment
ii libemotion0-gs 0.1.0+svn.6513 Video playback library used in Enlightenment
ii libethumb 1.0.0+svn.6474 Enlightenment thumbnailing library
ii libethumb-bin 1.0.0+svn.6474 ethumb binary files
ii libevas 1.1.0+svn.6561 Enlightenment DR17 advanced canvas library
ii libevas-engine 1.1.0+svn.6561 Evas module providingg the framebuffer rende
ii libevas-engine 1.1.0+svn.6561 Evas module providing the Xrender engine
ii libexif12 0.6.19-2slp2+1 library to parse EXIF files
ii libexpat1 2.0.1-7.d20120 XML parsing C library - runtime library
ii libfontconfig1 2.6.0-11slp3+1 generic font configuration library - runtime
ii libfontenc1 1:1.1.0-3slp2. X11 font encoding library
ii libfreealut 1.1.0-0slp4.d2 OpenAL User Toolkit library package
ii libfreetype6 2.4.3-6slp2+1. FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files
ii libfribidi0 0.19.5-5slp2.d Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algo
ii libgcc1 1:4.5.3-1ubunt GCC support library
ii libgconf-dbus 2.16.0-slp1.d2 GNOME configuration database system (shared
ii libgcrypt11 1.4.4-5slp2+s2 LGPL Crypto library - runtime library
ii libgdbm3 1.8.3-9slp2+s1 GNU dbm database routines (runtime version)
ii libgeoclue 0.12.0-20slp2. C API for GeoClue
ii libgif4 4.1.6-6slp6.d2 library for GIF images (library)
ii libglib2.0-0 2.28.6-1slp2.d The GLib library of C routines
ii libglib2.0-0-r 2.28.6-1slp2.d The GLib library of C routines - refdbg libr
ii libglib2.0-bin 2.28.6-1slp2.d The programs for the GLib library
ii libglib2.0-dat 2.28.6-1slp2.d Common files for GLib library
ii libgnutls26 2.12.0-3.d2012 the GNU TLS library - runtime library
ii libgomp1 4.5.3-1ubuntu2 GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library
ii libgpg-error0 1.7-6.d2012010 library for common error values and messages
ii libgps19 2.95-4slp3.d20 C library for communicating with GPS devices
ii libgstreamer-p 0.10.34-39slp2 GStreamer libraries from the "base" set
ii libgstreamer0. 0.10.34-10slp2 Core GStreamer libraries and elements
ii libgudev-1.0-0 166-1slp2+s5.d GObject-based wrapper library for libudev
ii libharfbuzz 0.7.0-1slp2+1. Hindi Reshaping Library
ii libheynoti-0 0.0.2-32.d2012 heynoti notification library (shared object)
ii libice6 2:1.0.7-1slp2. X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
ii libicu 4.8-1slp6.d201 International Components for Unicode (librar
ii libidn11 1.15-5slp2.d20 GNU Libidn library, implementation of IETF I
ii libiri 1.1.d201201072 a simple library for parsing Internationaliz
ii libisf-bin 2.3.4821-1slp2 Input Service Framework
ii libjpeg-turbo 1.1.90-1.d2012 libjpeg-turbo contains a wrapper library (Tu
ii libjpeg7 7-1slp2+s17.d2 The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime li
ii libjson-glib 0.10.4-1slp2-1 an json-glib api library implementation in C
ii libkms1 2.4.27-8slp2.d Userspace interface to kernel DRM buffer man
ii liblua5.1-0 5.1.4-5slp2+s3 Simple, extensible, embeddable programming l
ii liblzo2-2 2.03-1slp2+s1. data compression library
ii libmedia-servi 0.2.0-2.d20120 Media information service library for multim
ii libmedia-thumb 0.2.0-3.d20120 Media thumbnail service library for multimed
ii libmedia-utils 0.1.51.d201201 media utils runtime library.
ii libmm-camcorde 0.5.33-0.d2012 camcorder library
ii libmm-common 0.2.19-5.d2012 Multimedia Framework Common Library
ii libmm-fileinfo 0.5.0-2.d20120 Multimedia Framework FileInfo Library
ii libmm-imgp-gst 0.1-10.d201201 Multimedia Framework Image processing Gstrea
ii libmm-log 0.1.3-2.d20120 Multimedia Framework LOG Library
ii libmm-player 0.2.11-27.d201 Multimedia Framework Player Library
ii libmm-session- 0.1.7-6.d20120 mm-session can define application's multimed
ii libmm-sound-0 0.5.3-0.d20120 MMSound Package contains client lib and soun
ii libmm-ta 0.1.4-1.d20120 Multimedia Framework Time Analysis Library
ii libmm-utility 0.1-51.d201201 Multimedia Framework Utility Library
ii libncurses5 5.7+20100313-2 shared libraries for terminal handling
ii libnetwork-0 0.1.57.d201201 network(connman) client library (Shared Libr
ii libnfc-common- 0.0.1-44.d2012 NFC Common Library
ii libnfc-manager 0.0.1-44.d2012 NFC freamework
ii libnotificatio 0.1.1-4.d20120 Notification library
ii libogg0 1.2.1-0slp2.d2 Ogg bitstream library
ii liboil0.3 0.3.17-1slp4.d Library of Optimized Inner Loops
ii libopenal-soft 1.13-4slp2+9.d OpenAL library software implementation
ii libopencore-am 0.1.2-2.d20120 opencore AMRNB Library
ii libopencore-am 0.1.2-2.d20120 opencore AMRWB Library
ii libpango1.0 1.26.1-9slp4.d Layout and rendering of internationalized te
ii libpango1.0-co 1.26.1-9slp4.d Modules and configuration files for the Pang
ii libpci3 1:3.0.0-9slp2. Linux PCI Utilities (shared library)
ii libpciaccess0 0.12.0-2slp2.d Generic PCI access library for X
ii libpcre 7.6-3-3slp2.d2 regular expression library - runtime library
ii libperl5.10 5.10.1-16slp2+ shared Perl library
ii libpixman-1-0 0.23.7-1slp2+1 pixel-manipulation library for X and cairo
ii libpkgmgr-clie 0.1.100-2.d201 Packager Manager client library package
ii libpkgmgr-inst 0.1.100-2.d201 Library for installer frontend/backend.
ii libpng12-0 1.2.46-2slp2+s PNG library - runtime
ii libprivilege-c 0.0.2-34.d2012 library to control privilege of in-house app
ii libpthread-stu 0.3-5slp2.d201 pthread stubs not provided by native libc
ii libpulse0 0.9.21-7slp2+1 PulseAudio client libraries
ii libreadline5 5.2-5slp2+s1.d GNU readline and history libraries, run-time
ii librua-0 0.1.0-26.d2012 recently used application library (shared ob
ii libsb2 2.2.3-1slp2+s2 Scratchbox2 libraries
ii libsecurity-se 0.0.1-40.d2012 security server client library package
ii libsf-common-0 0.3.6-26.d2012 Sensor framework common library
ii libslp-alarm-0 0.2.7-58.d2012 libslp-alarm package
ii libslp-calenda 0.1.12-7.d2012 calendar service Library (Library)
ii libslp-db-util 0.1.0-45.d2012 libslp-db-util package
ii libslp-locatio 0.3.31-3.d2012 Location Based Service (Shared Object)
ii libslp-memo 0.1.4-19.d2012 library for memo
ii libslp-mms-plu 0.8.5-4.d20120 MMS Plugin Library
ii libslp-msg-ser 0.8.5-4.d20120 Messaging Framework Library (Library)
ii libslp-pm-0 1.2.4-20.d2012 Samsung Linux platform power manager client
ii libslp-sensor- 0.5.6-41.d2012 Sensor framework client library
ii libslp-setting 0.2.21-5.d2012 metapackage for libvconf-0
ii libslp-shortcu 0.0.4.d2012010 Shortcut service supporting library (shared
ii libslp-sms-plu 0.8.5-4.d20120 SMS Plugin Library
ii libslp-sysman 0.2.25-66.d201 system manager base library
ii libslp-tapi-0 0.5.78.d201201 telephony client API library (Shared Object)
ii libslp-telplug 0.6.12.d201201 telephony plugin API library (Shared Object)
ii libslp-utilx-0 0.1.7-0.d20120 Utilities of Xwindow (shared object files)
ii libsm6 2:1.2.0-1slp2. X11 Session Management library
ii libsndfile1 1.0.21-1.d2012 Library for reading/writing audio files
ii libsoup2.4 2.35.90-0.d201 an HTTP library implementation in C (shared
ii libspeex1 1.2rc1-5slp2.d The Speex codec runtime library
ii libspeexdsp1 1.2rc1-5slp2.d The Speex extended runtime library
ii libsppc-0 0.1.13.d201201 SLP SPP Client library
ii libsqlite3-0 3.7.9-slp1.d20 SQLite 3 shared library
ii libss-client-0 0.12.7-14.d201 secure storage client library package
ii libssl1.0.0 1.0.0e-6.d2012 SSL shared libraries
ii libstdc++6 4.5.3-1ubuntu2 The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii libstt 0.1.1-12slp2+1 Speech To Text client library and daemon
ii libsvi-0 0.1.0-28.d2012 svi library (shared object)
ii libswscale 0.8.5.d2012010 libswscale library
ii libsys-assert- 0.3.0-2.d20120 libsys-assert (shared object)
ii libtheora0 1.1.1-1slp4.d2 The Theora Video Compression Codec
ii libtts 0.1.1-22slp2+1 Text To Speech client library and daemon
ii libttssmt 0.0.11 Text To Speech smt plugin shared library
ii libudev0 166-1slp2+s5.d libudev shared library
ii libug-calendar 0.5.40.d201201 Calendar UI gadget (EFL)
ii libug-calendar 0.0.2-0.d20120 Picker Public Shared-Gadget with EFL
ii libug-contacts 0.2.9-19-1.d20 Contacts UI gadget library
ii libug-gallery- 1.0.29.d201201 gallery UG
ii libug-image-vi 1.4-12.d201201 Image Viewer UI Gadget v1.0
ii libug-memo-efl 0.1.0-6.d20120 Memo Public Shared-Gadget (EFL)
ii libug-myfile-e 0.0.1-56.d2012 Myfile UI Gadget (EFL)
ii libug-phone-ef 0.1.2-10-1.d20 Phone UI gadget library
ii libug-picker-e 0.0.2.d2012010 Picker Public Shared-Gadget with EFL
ii libug-setting- 0.2.72.d201201 call setting UI gadget
ii libug-setting- 1.0-15.d201201 UI gadget for setting gallery
ii libug-setting- 0.3.9-1.d20120 UI gadget for setting location based service
ii libug-setting- 0.0.1-31.d2012 Manage Application package
ii libug-setting- 0.1.0-61.d2012 Setting Theme UI gadget
ii libug-worldclo 0.1.0-1.d20120 worldclock ug
ii libui-gadget-0 0.1.3-62.d2012 UI gadget library
ii libui-idlecapt 0.1.1-33.d2012 Idle capture image
ii libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-15slp userspace USB programming library
ii libuuid1 2.16.2-0slp2+s Universally Unique ID library
ii libuw-imap-too 0.1.1-0slp2+49 IMAP-2007e developed by University of Washin
ii libvconf-0 0.2.21-5.d2012 vconf library (shared object)
ii libvorbis0a 1.2.3-5slp4.d2 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (
ii libvorbisenc2 1.2.3-5slp4.d2 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (
ii libvorbisfile3 1.2.3-5slp4.d2 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (
ii libwbxml2-0 0.11.0-1slp2.d WBXML parsing and encoding library
ii libwbxml2-util 0.11.0-1slp2.d Binary XML utilities
ii libwebkit-engi 0.1.0+4.d20120 Browser Engine based on Webkit (Shared Libra
ii libx11-6 2:1.4.0-1slp2. X11 client-side library
ii libx11-data 2:1.4.0-1slp2. X11 client-side library
ii libx11-xcb1 2:1.4.0-1slp2. Xlib/XCB interface library
ii libxau6 1:1.0.6-2slp2. X11 authorisation library
ii libxaw7 2:1.0.8-1slp2. X11 Athena Widget library
ii libxcb-atom1 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- atom
ii libxcb-aux0 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- aux
ii libxcb-composi 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, composite extension
ii libxcb-damage0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, damage extension
ii libxcb-dpms0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, dpms extension
ii libxcb-dri2-0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, dri2 extension
ii libxcb-event1 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- event
ii libxcb-glx0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, glx extension
ii libxcb-icccm1 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- icccm
ii libxcb-image0 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- image
ii libxcb-keysyms 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- keysyms
ii libxcb-propert 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- propert
ii libxcb-randr0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, randr extension
ii libxcb-record0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, record extension
ii libxcb-render- 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- render-
ii libxcb-render0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, render extension
ii libxcb-reply1 0.3.6-8slp2.d2 utility libraries for X C Binding -- reply
ii libxcb-res0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, res extension
ii libxcb-screens 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, screensaver extension
ii libxcb-shape0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, shape extension
ii libxcb-shm0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, shm extension
ii libxcb-sync0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, sync extension
ii libxcb-xevie0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, xevie extension
ii libxcb-xf86dri 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, xf86dri extension
ii libxcb-xfixes0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, xfixes extension
ii libxcb-xineram 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, xinerama extension
ii libxcb-xprint0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, xprint extension
ii libxcb-xtest0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, xtest extension
ii libxcb-xv0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, xv extension
ii libxcb-xvmc0 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding, xvmc extension
ii libxcb1 1.7-1slp2.d201 X C Binding
ii libxcomposite1 1:0.4.3-1slp2. X11 Composite extension library
ii libxcursor1 1:1.1.11-1slp2 X cursor management library
ii libxdamage1 1:1.1.3-2slp2. X11 damaged region extension library
ii libxdgmime 0.0.12-0.d2012 libxdgmime package
ii libxdmcp6 1:1.1.0-1slp2. X11 Display Manager Control Protocol library
ii libxext6 2:1.2.0-1slp2. X11 miscellaneous extension library
ii libxfixes3 1:4.0.5-2slp2. X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library
ii libxfont1 1:1.4.3-2slp2. X11 font rasterisation library
ii libxft2 1:2.2.0-5slp2. FreeType-based font drawing library for X
ii libxgesture0 0.1.0-2.d20120 X11 Gesture Extension library
ii libxi6 2:1.4.0-1slp2. X11 Input extension library
ii libxinerama1 2:1.1.1-1slp2. X11 Xinerama extension library
ii libxkbfile1 1:1.0.7-1slp2. X11 keyboard file manipulation library
ii libxml2 2.7.8.dfsg-1sl GNOME XML library
ii libxml2-0 2.7.8.dfsg-1sl Transitional meta-package
ii libxml2-utils 2.7.8.dfsg-1sl XML utilities
ii libxmlsec1 1.2.14-1slp2+s XML security library
ii libxmlsec1-ope 1.2.14-1slp2+s Openssl engine for the XML security library
ii libxmu6 2:1.1.0-1slp2. X11 miscellaneous utility library
ii libxmuu1 2:1.1.0-1slp2. X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library
ii libxpm4 1:3.5.9-2slp2. X11 pixmap library
ii libxrandr2 2:1.3.1-1slp2. X11 RandR extension library
ii libxrender1 1:0.9.6-2slp2. X Rendering Extension client library
ii libxres1 2:1.0.5-1slp2. X11 Resource extension library
ii libxslt1.1 1.1.16-1 XSLT processing library - runtime library
ii libxt6 1:1.0.9-1slp2. X11 toolkit intrinsics library
ii libxtrap6 2:1.0.0-10slp2 X11 event trapping extension library
ii libxtst6 2:1.2.0-1slp2+ X11 Testing -- Record extension library
ii libxv1 2:1.0.6-1slp2. X11 Video extension library
ii libxxf86dga1 2:1.1.2-1slp2. X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library
ii libxxf86misc1 1:1.0.2-5slp2. X11 XFree86 miscellaneous extension library
ii libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.1-1slp2. X11 XFree86 video mode extension library
ii locales 2.13-4slp2+s3. Embedded GNU C Library: National Language (l
ii locales-init 0.7.d201201072 Locales selection for Tizen platforms
ii location-geocl 0.1.16-3.d2012 geoclue-gpsd GPS module for location
ii location-geocl 0.1.16-3.d2012 geoclue-nominatim geocode module for locatio
ii login 1: system login tools
ii lsb-base 3.2-23.1slp2+s Linux Standard Base 3.2 init script function
ii ltrace 0.5.3-2.d20120 Tracks runtime library calls in dynamically
ii lua5.1 5.1.4-5slp2+s3 Simple, extensible, embeddable programming l
ii mawk 1.3.3-15+s4.d2 a pattern scanning and text processing langu
ii media-data-sdk 0.1.5.d2012010 Media data. Image/Sounds/Videos and Others.
ii media-server 0.1.51.d201201 multimedia contents managing server.
ii media-thumbnai 0.2.0-3.d20120 Media Thumbnail Server.
ii menu-daemon 0.2.39.d201201 menu-daemon (Grab H/W key, Package manifest
ii mmfw-sysconf-s 0.1.16-0.d2012 Multimedia Framework system configuration pa
ii module-init-to 3.12~pre2-3slp tools for managing Linux kernel modules
ii msg-service-to 0.8.5-4.d20120 messaging server application
ii myaccount-0 1.5.30.d201201 My account application
ii native-install 0.2.59-2.d2012 native installer package
ii ncurses-base 5.7+20100313-2 basic terminal type definitions
ii ncurses-bin 5.7+20100313-2 terminal-related programs and man pages
ii ncurses-term 5.7+20100313-2 additional terminal type definitions
ii netbase 1:4.24.osso9+s Basic TCP/IP networking system
ii opengl-es 0.1.1-4.d20120 metapackage for the OpenGL ES library
ii openssh-client 1:5.3p1-2slp2+ secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access
ii openssh-server 1:5.3p1-2slp2+ secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access
ii openssl 1.0.0e-6.d2012 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
ii org.tizen.aler 0.1.14.d201201 3G alert system-popup application
ii org.tizen.app- 0.1.0-64.d2012 app-selector
ii org.tizen.brow 0.0.13-0 webkit browser with EFL
ii org.tizen.calc 0.1.3-45 Calculator application
ii org.tizen.cale 0.5.40.d201201 Calendar viewer application
ii org.tizen.call 0.2.332.d20120 call application
ii org.tizen.ciss 0.4.43.d201201 CISS-MMI application
ii org.tizen.cloc 0.1.2-64 clock application
ii org.tizen.cont 0.2.9-19-1.d20 Contacts application
ii org.tizen.cont 0.2.9-19-1.d20 Contacts viewer application
ii org.tizen.cras 0.1.0-4.d20120 crash-worker-sdk
ii org.tizen.down 0.1.3-0.d20120 Application for support of the content downl
ii org.tizen.efl- 0.5.40.d201201 Calendar application
ii org.tizen.gall 1.0.29.d201201 gallery UX
ii org.tizen.imag 1.0-57.d201201 Image Viewer Application v1.0
ii org.tizen.indi 0.1.0-176.d201 indicator window
ii org.tizen.lowb 0.1.7-60.d2012 Low battery popup application
ii org.tizen.lowm 0.1.7-60.d2012 Low memory popup application
ii org.tizen.memo 0.1.5-69.d2012 memo
ii org.tizen.menu 0.3.54.d201201 inhouse menu-screen
ii org.tizen.musi 0.1.2-180.d201 music player application
ii org.tizen.phon 0.1.2-10-1.d20 Phone application
ii org.tizen.phon 0.1.10.d201201 pwlock
ii org.tizen.powe 0.1.7-60.d2012 Power off popup application
ii org.tizen.pwlo 0.1.96.d201201 pwlock
ii org.tizen.quic 0.1.1-107.d201 Quickpanel Application
ii org.tizen.sett 0.1.87-66.d201 Setting application
ii org.tizen.smar 0.3.2-91.d2012 Smartsearch Application
ii org.tizen.task 0.14.1-125.d20 Task Manager
ii org.tizen.usb- 0.1.14-34.d201 usb system popup application
ii org.tizen.vide 0.1.4-416.d201 Video & streaming player
ii org.tizen.volu 0.2.0-4.d20120 volume
ii org.tizen.wifi 0.3.18.d201201 Wi-Fi System popup
ii passwd 1: change and administer password and group dat
ii pciutils 1:3.0.0-9slp2. Linux PCI Utilities
ii perl 5.10.1-16slp2+ Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report
ii perl-base 5.10.1-16slp2+ minimal Perl system
ii perl-modules 5.10.1-16slp2+ Core Perl modules
ii perl-suid 5.10.1-16slp2+ runs setuid Perl scripts
ii pkg-config 0.25-1slp2+s1. manage compile and link flags for libraries
ii pkgmgr-server 0.1.100-2.d201 Package Manager server
ii popt 1.7-7slp3.d201 Parsing Command line options
ii power-manager- 1.3.21-79.d201 Samsung Linux platform Power manager
ii prelink 0.0.20100106-0 ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic l
ii pulseaudio 0.9.21-7slp2+1 PulseAudio sound server
ii pulseaudio-mod 0.9.21-7slp2+1 Bluetooth module for PulseAudio sound server
ii pulseaudio-uti 0.9.21-7slp2+1 Command line tools for the PulseAudio sound
ii ragel 6.6-1slp2.d201 compiles finite state machines into code in
ii readline-commo 5.2-5slp2+s1.d GNU readline and history libraries, common f
ii rfkill 0.4-1.d2012010 simple /dev/rfkill userspace tool
ii rlfe 5.2-5slp2+s1.d A front-end using readline to "cook" input l
ii sdbd 0.0.1-13.d2012 SDB daemon
ii security-serve 0.0.1-40.d2012 security server
ii sensor-framewo 0.2.5-37.d2012 Sensor framework
ii shared-mime-in 0.60-4.d201201 FreeDesktop.org shared MIME database and spe
ii simulator-open 0.1-6.d2012010 OpenGLES library development files for simul
ii sonet0 0.1.49.d201201 Tizen OpenSource Network Manager
ii speex 1.2rc1-5slp2.d The Speex codec command line tools
ii spp-client-bin 0.1.13.d201201 SLP SPP Client daemon
ii spp-client-too 0.1.13.d201201 SLP SPP Client tool
ii sqlfs-bin 1.1-slp1.d2012 FUSE module for filessystem on top of an SQL
ii sqlite3 3.7.9-slp1.d20 A command line interface for SQLite 3
ii ss-server 0.12.7-14.d201 secure storage server
ii starter 0.3.42.d201201 starter
ii strace 4.5.20-1slp2+s A system call tracer
ii svi-data-sdk 0.1.0-2.d20120 svi library data package(SDK)
ii sys-string-0 0.1.12.d201201 System string package for multilinugual supp
ii syspopup-0 0.0.67-1.d2012 syspopup package
ii syspopup-calle 0.0.67-1.d2012 syspopup-caller package
ii system-server- 0.1.51-57.d201 System server
ii sysv-rc 2.87dsf-8slp2+ System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
ii sysvinit 2.87dsf-8slp2+ System-V-like init utilities
ii sysvinit-utils 2.87dsf-8slp2+ System-V-like utilities
ii telephony-serv 0.5.99.d201201 telephony server application
ii tzdata-slp 11.8.0.d201201 tz database package
ii udev 166-1slp2+s5.d /dev/ and hotplug management daemon
ii usb-setting-ap 0.1.14-34.d201 usb-setting application
ii usbutils 0.86-6slp2.d20 Linux USB utilities
ii wifi-efl-ug 0.3.18.d201201 Wi-Fi UI Gadget
ii wrt 0.6.9 online widget(W3C, BONDI, JIL, MSC) platform
ii wrt-commons 0.1.65.d201201 Design patterns library - EFL based
ii wrt-plugins-co 0.2.2.d2012010 Common modules for creation JavaScript's dev
ii wrt-plugins-ti 0.1.2-10 JavaScript plugins for WebRuntime
ii wrt-plugins-wa 0.2.26.d201201 JavaScript plugins for WebRuntime
ii wrt-test 0.6.9 online widget(W3C, BONDI, JIL, MSC) platform
ii x11-apps 7.5-2slp2+6.d2 X applications
ii x11-common 1:7.5-6slp2+1. X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure
ii x11-utils 7.5+6slp2.d201 X11 utilities
ii x11-xkb-utils 7.6-8slp2.d201 X11 XKB utilities
ii x11-xserver-ut 7.5+2slp2.d201 X server utilities
ii xinit 1.1.0-7slp2+1. X server initialisation tool
ii xinput 1.5.2-2slp2.d2 Runtime configuration and test of XInput dev
ii xkb-data 1.8-1slp2.d201 X Keyboard Extension (XKB) configuration dat
ii xpmutils 1:3.5.9-2slp2. X11 pixmap utilities
ii xrestop 0.4-7slp2.d201 X11 server resource usage monitor
ii xserver-common 2:1.9.3-20slp2 common files used by various X servers
ii xserver-xorg-c 2:1.9.3-20slp2 Xorg X server - core server
ii xserver-xorg-i 2.3.2-4slp2+13 X.Org X server -- evdev input driver
ii xserver-xorg-i 2.3.2-5slp2+24 X.Org X server -- evdev input multitouch dri
ii xserver-xorg-i 0.1.0-4.d20120 X.Org X server -- Xserver gesture driver
ii xserver-xorg-m 0.0.1-115.d201 Xorg server misc package which contains star
ii xserver-xorg-t 2:1.9.3-20slp2 Xorg X server - tool (dummy for removing old
ii xserver-xorg-v 1:1.0.0-2.d201 X.Org X server -- emulfb display driver for
ii zlib1g 1:1.2.5.dfsg-1 compression library - runtime


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