Chromium OS(Chrome OS) login sequence

As you know, I'm writing an article about Chromium OS(Chrome OS) and created some material. so I posted a part of memo.

This is the login sequence of Chromium OS.

  1. Graphical login. slim is graphical login manager for chromium os.
  2. Input your google account.
  3. If you don't save login cache of your google account, It has to connect network. is Google account authentication PAM module.
  4. mount to /home/chronos as tmpfs. so If you power down the system, user data will be removed all. "chronos" is a default user of Chromium OS. This mount is encrypted AES and SHA256 hash algolism.
  5. run chromeos-wm. It's Clutter based window manager.
  6. run chrome browser.


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